Steve and Marina Capps
Visit Larua and Steve Morris in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, February 2003

Hi, Everyone --

My sister, Laura Morris, and her husband Steve Morris, invited Marina and I to visit her at her new home in Nashville - the capital city of the state (province) of Tennessee in South East USA. This is about 200 miles (360 kilometers) from home. This will be fun, because we will celebrate 2 birthdays - Laura Morris (my sister) and Marina Capps (nee Chedakina) my wife.

Before we go to visit Laura, we have dinner with Ron and Dottie Lamb ( my mother and her husband ). We do this every week. We do lot's of fun things, one of these is to play Jinga, a game where you build a tower of wood pieces. Then, the game is, you must remove a wood piece, again and again and again, until the tower falls. If you remove a wood piece, and the tower does not fall, you win :-) If you remove a piece and the tower falls, you lose -- too bad :-(

Here we are playing Jinga.


Mom and Ron have a dog, Missy.
Well, anyway, maybe it's a dog. It kind of looks like a dog.


Really, she is cute, here's a better photo.


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